1. 단어

a very compassionate person 

His life got much better when he stopped drinking and got his act together

a malevolent lie/smile 

votaries of freedom


The whole story was just an artifice to win our sympathy. 

The prison's warden was a cruel martinet

I want cilantro

gold nuggets 

chicken nuggets 

nuggets of wisdom/advice/information 

By (all) rights, you should have been the one to receive the promotion.

orthopedic hose up to her knees,

His opponent called him a bigoted demagogue.

you're a lot leaner.

lounging in bed 

The fruitcake contains dried currants and raisins

My (parking) meter is up

The project hit a big pothole a few weeks ago. 

He enjoys spending time with his old army comrades.

He bought the car for a pittance

by the pier

He pokes the bear

What touched off the fire? 

We accepted the news with resignation

The manager received resignations from three members of the staff. 

The bird ruffled (up) its feathers. 

That boy is a lot of trouble. It's a good thing his parents aren't easily ruffled.

I agreed to do what they wanted because I didn't want to ruffle any feathers.

The dress has a ruffle around the collar. 

2. 문장

So it would appear

I'm down (with it)

table-top game

You see these fucking mole people?

unswervingly adhere to the leaders

Real leaders don't spread derision and division.

social institutions

topical pesticides

after the fact

You stubbed it during the basketball game, right?

snake in the grass

primary, secondary, tertiary

Thriving, it has been found, is less likely for the overly zealous and carefree.

quote unquote

Jobs was a poser. He didn't even write code

you had me worried sick

The patient suffers from some kind of psychosis

She deserves a baby monsoon. 

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2018.03.17 영어  (0) 2018.03.17
2018.03.15 영어  (0) 2018.03.15

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